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  candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.

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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
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 candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.	 - Página 2 GejDcrdDom Jul 07, 2024 5:03 am
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Itisha Chowdhury
 candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.	 - Página 2 Itisha-chowdhury-2024-1
Height: 5’3
Hometown:  Montréal, QC
Languages: English

Itisha Chowdhury’s remarkable journey began in Bangladesh, where she entered the world facing a daunting challenge—a hole in her heart. Doctors offered grim predictions, but from her first breath, Itisha defied expectations. Her resilience carried her through, surpassing every prognosis and emerging as a beacon of strength and determination.

At a young age, Itisha moved to Canada, where she embraced her dual heritage with pride. Today, she stands as a symbol of unity, representing both Bangladesh and Canada with grace and dignity.

As the reigning Miss Canada South Asia, Itisha captivates audiences with her story of triumph over adversity. Her journey serves as a testament to the indomitable human spirit, inspiring all who hear it.

Beyond her title, Itisha is a dedicated law teacher and an integral member of a prominent law firm. Her passion for justice and equality fuels her every endeavor, whether she’s shaping minds in the classroom or advocating for what’s right.

Balancing her role as a pageant queen with her career in law, she brings her passion for justice to every aspect of her life. Whether she’s in the classroom shaping minds or in the law firm for what’s right, she’s a force to be reckoned with reminding us that no obstacle is insurmountable with courage and perseverance.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 628753
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
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MensajeTema: Re: candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.
 candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.	 - Página 2 GejDcrdDom Jul 07, 2024 5:12 am
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Ivonn Novikova
(miss globe europe 2020.)
 candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.	 - Página 2 Ivonn-novikova-2024-1
Height: 5’10
Hometown: Toronto, ON
Languages: English, French
Occupation: Marketing Manager

From her earliest days, Ivonn Novikova learned the value of hard work and education from her mother, the most influential person in her life. Growing up in a bilingual school environment and finishing at the top of her class, Ivonn was deeply influenced by her mother’s belief in the power of education for women and girls. Despite not having opportunities for higher education herself, her mother worked tirelessly, holding two jobs to fund Ivonn’s studies. Ivonn graduated with honors from Schulich School of Business, earning her Master’s degree in Marketing, balancing work in a shoe store, and teaching her peers with her academic commitments.

Today, Ivonn applies her expertise at AptPay, a leading Canadian fintech company. Beyond her professional pursuits, Ivonn founded her own marketing agency focused on brand awareness and SEO, helping other businesses thrive in the digital landscape.

Recognizing a need for sustainable and health-conscious products, Ivonn launched “Organic101,” a line of natural, vegan sea moss products sourced directly from environmentally responsible suppliers in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Ivonn’s empathy extends to all living beings. Disturbed by the rise in abandoned animals post-pandemic, she advocated for responsible pet ownership, emphasizing the critical need for spaying and neutering. Reflecting her commitment, Ivonn donates 5% of her paycheck to animal shelters each month. “Saving one animal might not change the world, but it will change the world for that one animal.”

Through her platform, she aims to inspire and empower, promoting education, ethical business practices, and compassion towards all beings.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?

I enjoy learning and always strive to broaden my understanding of new technologies, applications, and industries through online courses and in-person lessons. My top academic aspiration is to obtain an MBA from Harvard. Besides, I have a deep love for running; I run 10 kilometers every day to support my mental and physical health.

List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)

Public Speaking
Boating (I have an official boat license)
In what sports, if any, have you participated?

I have played tennis and basketball.

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?

The most influential person in my life, outside of my family, has been my mentor. He instilled in me the powerful lesson that success often follows numerous failures. He supported all my business ideas, allowing me to make mistakes and learn from them. Each failed attempt, he taught me, was not a setback but a stepping stone toward greater achievements. This perspective has shaped my approach to challenges and perseverance profoundly.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?

My proudest personal achievement has been to start providing financial support for my mother, allowing her the freedom to pursue her passions. This accomplishment gains even more meaning as we embark on supporting Smile Train together during my journey in the Miss Universe Canada competition. Seeing her excitement to join me in this cause has deepened the joy and fulfillment of this milestone.

What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?

One of the most unique experiences in my life occurred at the age of 14 when I traveled to Japan alone on a modeling contract. During my time there, I was fortunate to participate in a Chanel fashion show in Tokyo. This adventure wasn’t just about modeling; it immersed me in Japanese culture and allowed me to form lifelong friendships. More importantly, it taught me the value of independence and the importance of self-reliance at a young age, shaping my perspective and approach to future challenges.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?

My career goal is to lead multiple successful businesses and mentor aspiring women entrepreneurs. I admire successful businesswomen and strive to share my expertise with like-minded individuals. To reach this goal, I actively network, study successful business models, and apply what I learn in managing my own ventures.

What would be your “dream job” in life?

I see a “dream job” not as a static endpoint but as a dynamic voyage enriched by experiences, new connections, empathy, compassion, and the opportunity to create a positive impact and leave behind a meaningful legacy. Embracing this journey, with its myriad opportunities and lessons, embodies the essence of my professional life.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.

Growing up, my father was a cargo ship captain, often away, and my mother primarily raised me. My passion for ships began during a trip with my father, where I even had my own room on the ship and learned basic navigation. Off the ship, my days were packed with activities like extracurricular chemistry and competitive chess.

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.

I haven’t held any unusual jobs myself, but my mom had an interesting career as a flight attendant before meeting my father.

List any volunteering you have done.

I participated in a cross-country drive to raise funds for Johanita, a courageous girl battling cancer, to help her family cover medical expenses.
After our neighbor suffered a stroke, my mother and I stepped in to assist with daily tasks such as cooking and cleaning.
I support animal shelters financially and donate essential items like pads, food, medicine, and construction materials, extending my efforts to shelters in Canada, Guyana, Brazil, and Spain.
My mom and I also rescue animals in need that we find in our community. We’ve helped a squirrel fallen from its nest, a pigeon attacked by a cat, and an abandoned dog. We even saved a palm tree once found on the side of the road, which now thrives at our home.
What is your most unusual talent?

I know how to be a great friend!

Where is the most interesting place you have been to?

Guyana, in the jungle. I stood on the back of a pickup truck for six hours straight.

Fun fact: Deep in the jungle, you can also buy Coca-Cola with gold. Since the main operation in the jungle is gold mining, more people have gold on hand rather than cash.

What do you hope to be doing in ten years?

In ten years, I hope to be immersed in a cycle of continuous growth—trying more, failing more, and succeeding more. I aim to build and maintain strong relationships with inspiring people, learning from their perspectives and experiences. My goal is to help others and motivate them to contribute positively as well, embracing the idea that no impact is too small.

Última edición por julinha el Lun Jul 22, 2024 2:55 am, editado 1 vez
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 628753
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
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MensajeTema: Re: candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.
 candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.	 - Página 2 GejDcrdDom Jul 07, 2024 5:14 am
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Jasmine Gawdis
 candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.	 - Página 2 Jasmine-gawdis-2024-1
Height: 5’9
Hometown: Toronto, ON
Languages: English, French, Spanish, Urdu, Siraiki, Punjabi
Occupation: Pilot Student; Student (Real estate Management at TMU)

Jasmine Gawdis is a professional public speaker who, since the age of 7, has been involved in humanitarian work on Satellite TV, broadcasting to millions of viewers internationally. She has over 800+ hours in live and television hours under her belt. She’s a polyglot who speaks 7 languages. Aside from professional runway modelling she is also a new coming actress, belly/dancer, choir singer, chef, architectural designer, globe-trotter, private pilot and certified solo skydiver.

Jasmine has always focused more on humanitarian work than the quest for fame. She has tremendous experience in mental health work, having saved many victims from suicide, provided a safe home to many women in trouble, and also enjoys fostering and rescuing dogs/animals all around the world.

Jasmine believes in the mantra that ‘Age is just a Number’ and continues to be resilient to any obstacles that come her way! Even at just 37, She loves to jump off cliffs and skydive off planes just to prove that life is limitless and fear is all in the mind! After receiving her certification during COVID19, Jasmine took on the determination to set a risky new mission to travel the world so she may be a voice to all when the time comes to rise up. She has successfully completed North/Central and South America and learnt her 7th language with a couple more countries to go.

Jasmine aspires to take on the world of Miss Universe Canada and Miss Universe 2024 while embracing the status of a young single mom to ensure she is a rising voice for all women despite age, status and weight. She also continues to own two side businesses (“Arshmina Designs” for her Interior Design work and “Walk Like a Gawdis,” where she teaches people of all ages, genders, sizes how to walk like a model, or in her words a “Walking Role-Model”). This multi-faceted, talented up-and-coming star has continued to evolve and is ready for any challenge that life throws at her.

Hoping to one day take on the dream of being the next female Prime Minister of Canada, Jasmine believes Miss Universe Canada will help give her the platform to use her worldly experiences and story to help guide her to lead in this position.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?

I love to paraglide off cliffs, skydive and jump out of planes. Recently this has been my new thrill and passion as it challenges the thought of fearlessness. I love to fly the Cessna 172 when I get a chance as I feel liberated when I am in the sky.

I also love to help people and rescue dogs and it seems it doesn’t matter where I go, there always seems a chance for me to!

Life is about balance, as long as I can play while I work, I am enjoying life the most!

List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)

I have drawn the Mona Lisa and Vitruvian Man alongside a lot of other Leonardo Da Vinci inspirational artistic pieces by hand. I enjoy sketching and watercoloring in my free time as well as multimedia art
As an interior designer, I am a product designer and can help design anything on AutoCAD3D as well as artistically sculpt physically.
I do clay work and woodwork, calling the typical man’s garage “home” is easy for me, as I enjoy playing with tools and constructing things.
I was an active member of the choir since I was a child, I was chosen out 15 students to sing at the City Hall in Grade 5. It was such a unique experience.
I also love to dance as I find music is food for my soul. I recently learnt to do belly dancing, but I grew up dancing to all genres including Dancehall, Bollywood, Reggaeton, different Latino music and even Rock.
In what sports, if any, have you participated?

I love to all sports. I usually play badminton and basketball or even floor hockey. I have been monkey climbing most of my childhood so I prefer any gymnastics on bars as well.

Fun Fact: I was cut from my basketball team in grade 8 for not being tall enough. Today I stand at 5’9.

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?

My son. My son has been my rock since he was born since I was 18. Not only has he been with me every step of the way until today, but his resilient ways regardless of his abilities and disabilities throughout our challenging journey has helped us grow together in incredible ways. From thick to thin, sickness to wellness, we have held on to each other and taken care of each other to this day! Today he is becoming a doctor. He is the reason I breathe and as a mother he is the reason I live. He is the best part of me and through him I embrace the title of great motherhood!

What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?

My proudest accomplishment was when I was able to help numerous people out of suicide/suicidal thoughts. Many people have approached me with their problems in hopes of resolution and mediation and I found this was probably one of the most difficult situations I had succeeded in. They have been some of the darkest deepest moments I have encountered with other human beings, but knowing that I was able to help change their mind and allow them to realize their TRUE VALUE really felt like a personal accomplishment to me! I am always ready to help and these stories mean a lot to me.

Aside from that, I would like to add that I am extremely proud to say I have recently completed over 2 years and 7 months travelling Central and South America extensively with my son and dog. This was a massive victory for me as I wanted to prove that nothing is dangerous for a woman to conquer these days! No mountain, no cliff, no obstacle, nothing!

What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?

When I was 5 years old I was selected by my “Pope”/Khalifa in front of 100s of people in an assembly and brought to stage. After being questioned my name and family background I was announced as a “special girl”. This was a glorifying moment for me because after that moment my life changed forever. I was now an overnight childhood Satellite TV celebrity doing extensive humanitarian speeches and work.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?

My Mission:
I aspire to see the whole wide world,
Live in all the cultures,
Understand the people,
their lifestyles,
their needs,
wants, lacks,
So tomorrow,
when it comes time to Stand Up
Raise my voice
Lead the people,
I can say,
I understand the poor,
the deserted, the ones in pain,
Mainly the Unseen,
and show them that
I see them
Even if no one else does…
that I have been there and
that they are safe to believe
that by putting their faith in me…
I will help them and
lead them to the path of their
Highest Good!
That’s the life I want to lead.
This is why I travel
This is why I don’t hesitate walking into
the slums holding my head high ready to help,
DESPITE the luxury offered to me.
This is Not just for the food
or selfish pleasures…
but to understand everyone…

To show everyone I am just like them …
no matter status,
or Class Systems!

With everything happening in this
World to create more divide…
it is essential we send the message that:
We are ONE,

And just like
All Vital Organs in our Body
MUST unify to Work…
(Despite their different functions)
So must WE with our different Faith
and Belief Systems,

And learn that in our differences
There IS Strength…
And only by learning and understanding
Those differences,

United we CAN Stand!!!

What would be your “dream job” in life?

I would love to be the 2nd female (first South Asian) Prime Minister of Canada and lead with honest intentions. I believe becoming Miss Universe Canada and Miss Universe 2024 would help me achieve this. My goal would be to take on a humanitarian perspective rather than a corporate political perspective. I would like to be the new face of women’s change and lead like a trailblazer as our ancestral sisters did such as the infamous Nelly McClung. (She established women as “person’s” having 4 kids and an alcoholic husband)

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.

I was raised in North York, in the humble area of Islington & Finch. I went to an incredible elementary school called Gracedale Public School. I remember the amazing clubs I joined, in school and after school programs it provided including the water park play dates and school play days! It was such a multicultural school that taught me to embrace every religion and race and their special holidays and traditions. Whether it was Chinese New Year, Irish St. Patrick’s Day, Kwanzaa, Diwali, to Eid and Christmas, I am so grateful my childhood/neighbourhoods were filled with so much fun and diversity! Today while travelling for past 2.5 years I can fully enjoy and embrace these cultures with just as much ease!

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.

When I was 14-15 years old, I was so fascinated by computers and the new evolution of technology (Clarisworks was just starting to become Windows OS), I learnt Java and HTML and started my own website business. Surprisingly, the next year in grade 8 I won the top Computer Science student of all students award leading to my admission in the IB program.

List any volunteering you have done.

I help people with their personal problems through psychological mediation. I do this on a person to person basis for free.

I also rescue and foster dogs regularly whether traveling or at home. I have worked for VanderPump Dog Rescue Foundation during COVID19 while most people returned to their home countries.

During this time I also volunteered at K9 Potcake Rescue in Turks & Caicos for over 4 months during COVID19 to ensure all dogs were taken care of and found homes. It was by far the most shockingly best time for the shelters as no pup was left behind! All pups had found a home including new coming!

This made me feel so great, leading me to join Redemption Paws in Toronto when I returned and continued my volunteer work here. I fostered a dog for 3 months and got her successfully adopted 3 days before I started my travel mission.

Currently I have been traveling for over 2.5 years and have actively helped and care for dogs around Central and South America in various shelters and streets. Scabies is a massive problem and I am hoping one day I can open up some free vaccination clinics.

What is your most unusual talent?

I can impersonate people and make cartoon sounds (Pikachu, woody wood pecker), I can also do the “IT” clown dance, as well as the ‘backpack kid’ dance. If I am around someone long enough, I can mock their accent, body language and impersonate their being similar to method acting.

Where is the most interesting place you have been to?

Two come straight to mind:

1) Iquitos Peru, Amazonas, the biggest city only accessible by water or air known as the home of the Ayahuasca healing plant. I did my Ayahuasca retreat and healing there in the jungle of the Amazonas. I fed piranhas, picked up an 8 foot Anaconda with my bare hands, and even saw some new exotic species. It was one of the most profound experiences of my life.

2)Puerto Almanza, Islas De Tierra del Fuego, a town near the end of the world Ushuaia, where I got to see schools of penguins jumping out of waters and in their natural habitat. It was the most serene, stunningly gorgeous scenery I’ve seen in the world, surrounded by Arctic Ocean views and mountains.

What do you hope to be doing in ten years?

I hope to be managing my Residential and Humanitarian Architectural Projects alongside my businesses in hope to on the run for Prime Minister of Canada (if I haven’t become one already as I believe current leaderships need to be reexamined soon if not immediately )! Aside from helping humans, I also hope to have found a sound way to rescue and protect animals!

Is there anything you would like to add that we haven’t asked?

I would like to say, the only way to lead successfully and peacefully is to understand the people, be like the people, and understand their perspectives and where they are coming from, not through assumptions, force, or dictation. For that deep and complex understanding, you have to be strong, have been where they have been physically, have lived and experienced life through their cultures, traditions, and understand their ways of living (whether it be slums or historical buildings). If anything this journey has taught me is that in order to lead, in order to give these people a VOICE, I had to have understood their hunger, watched their ways of eating, suffered in their suffering, and sat with them in their determination and resilience while encouraging their admirable strength to push to LIVE ON, despite it all!

Miss Universe Canada to me means fighting for your dreams and what you believe in until you can no longer breathe. I believe I can be a voice for all the silenced girls and women as well as be an inspiration to many others having been through so many relatable personal experiences. The desire and strength to change anything must come from within. My experience is only ONE of may examples to prove that no matter how many obstacles occurred I survived still got my self on the path of independence, education and freedom!

To understand freedom, you have to sometimes let go of everything that made you and start fresh! You have to free yourself from yourself first. It taught me peace starts with oneself. When something or someone no longer served me purpose, I had to gracefully let them go. Letting go only allowed more in. Today I am a free Canadian who is able to share my story fearlessly and still follow through my dream of becoming Miss Universe Canada!
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

Mensajes : 628753
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Fecha de inscripción : 28/08/2015
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MensajeTema: Re: candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.
 candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.	 - Página 2 GejDcrdDom Jul 07, 2024 5:16 am
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Jaspreet Kaur-Batra
 candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.	 - Página 2 Jaspreet-kaur-batra-2024-1
Height: 5’8
Hometown: Nelson, BC
Languages: English, Punjabi, Hindi
Occupation: Student (University of British Columbia)

Jaspreet Kaur Batra, a remarkable individual born in India, embarked on a transformative journey to Canada in 2017 as an international student. Falling in love with the country, she decided to establish her roots in Canada. Currently residing in Nelson, BC, she takes immense pride in her Canadian citizenship. Jaspreet exemplifies courage, compassion, and a holistic mindset, and firmly believes in personal growth and development.

With a background as a dental surgeon from India, Jaspreet’s deep passion for healthcare and entrepreneurship was ignited through her family’s business ventures. Pursuing fields such as business management, health administration, and business analytics in Canada, she firmly believes that local businesses and healthcare are the pillars of a thriving community. Recognizing the importance of effective communication, she obtained training in technical communication from the esteemed University of British Columbia. In her dedicated efforts to uplift her community, she has played a pivotal role in spearheading the success of five local businesses in three different cities across British Columbia and contributing to the community’s growth.

Jaspreet derives immense energy from empowering others and setting them up for success. Over the past 12 years, she has selflessly volunteered her time for various causes – women’s empowerment, combating food insecurity, leading tree plantation drives, promoting mental health, and facilitating personal and professional development. Her commitment to making a difference is further demonstrated through her role as a director on the West Kootenay Women’s Association board and her advisory position at Dress for Success, Kelowna. In her pursuit of building a thriving community, Batra is establishing support services for educated immigrants. These services aim to assist newcomers in establishing industry connections within their desired fields, facilitating their integration into the community, and fostering their success as well as contributing to the Canadian economy. Jaspreet finds solace in nature and rejuvenates through hiking and forest strolls. She is deeply committed to lifelong learning and looks forward to pursuing her MBA in 2024, believing that cultivating a growth mindset requires self-belief and a thirst for knowledge.

Why Miss Universe? Jaspreet’s journey towards Miss Universe is driven by her struggles with identity and adversity faced through body-shaming from a young age. Raised in an environment that opposed feminism, she discovered the oppression she had endured when she ventured beyond her restricted surroundings. Guided by compassion, she believes that it holds the key to solving the world’s problems.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?

I am passionate about helping others and empowering them to succeed. I believe in having a growth mindset and dedicate a considerable amount of time to my personal and professional development. I enjoy learning about various topics such as nutrition, women’s health, mind-body connection, and entrepreneurship. Apart from this, I love going on adventures, hiking, pottery, and card-making. Traveling rejuvenates me, and I always look forward to learning about different cultures and perspectives. My curiosity drives me to explore neuroplasticity, positive psychology, and ways to increase human potential. Volunteering in the community is an essential part of my life, and I’m committed to promoting inclusivity and empowering women. Reading is one of my favorite hobbies, and I appreciate how books can make you think, see, feel, and wonder at the same time.

List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)

I am a culinary arts professional with three years of experience in some of the top restaurants in Kelowna. My passion for food revolves around creating a perfect balance of flavors. I have a deep understanding of the ingredients and how they come together to create a masterpiece. I believe that food is not just a necessity but also a means to bring people together and build a community.

I also received some training in Bhangra and some other folk dances of Punjab, India.

In what sports, if any, have you participated?

When I was growing up, I was a big fan of badminton and volleyball. I found sports to be fascinating, and I believed they provided both physical and mental stimulation. Unfortunately, my family did not support my interest in sports, so I had to quit my teams. Nowadays, whenever I have the opportunity, I love to go horse riding.

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?

My grandmother had a huge influence on my life, but she passed away when I was only eight years old. Growing up everybody called me the younger version of my grandmother. I think I inherited my strong sense of compassion from her. She was always taking care of everyone in the community with love. Even though she’s gone, I still draw strength and encouragement from her memory. I feel like she’s guiding me on my path as I prepare to spread a message of compassion to the world.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?

I am proud to say that I achieved my dream of becoming a doctor in India. This achievement is particularly meaningful to me as it was my late grandparents’ dream to see me become a doctor and serve humanity. I am proud to have completed my education with a gold medal. Additionally, receiving my Canadian citizenship is one of my proudest personal accomplishments.

What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?

I am naturally drawn to spirituality. I believe it is my superpower.

I find this question intriguing because I don’t believe that anything happened to me. Instead, I worked extremely hard to achieve the things I have in life, and I am immensely grateful for that. Every day, I live with contentment and gratitude. I believe that making efforts can be challenging, but it is these efforts that lead to growth. If you focus your efforts in the right direction, you will undoubtedly learn and succeed.

I started learning to appreciate the things I already have and that changed my life.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?

I aspire to be a global educator and public speaker, inspired by the outstanding work of Gabor Mate and Brene Brown. Their ability to explain trauma, vulnerability, and healing motivates me to spread the message of compassion. I strongly believe that every human being on this planet is going through some form of pain or hardship, and they require immense healing and compassion. My goal is to promote this message of compassion to the world. I am working on starting my master’s in business administration this year and I am very excited for this next chapter.

What would be your “dream job” in life?

My dream job is to become a spiritual teacher or guide. I believe that everyone has in them to reach their fullest potential, as there is a simplicity that exists within every human being that transcends all the superficiality. I aspire to master the art of achieving my own best self and guiding others to do the same

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.

I was born and raised in India, and my childhood was quite confusing. I always sought validation from others and grew up in an unstable home filled with chaos. Despite this, I am grateful for my spiritual upbringing, which helped me cope from a young age. I was born into a patriarchal household with extreme opinions on the role of women, but I am grateful that as an adult, I had the choice to raise myself on my terms.

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.

I have worked as a dental surgeon in India and organized and participated in 15 rural dental camps supporting the underserved with free dental treatment.

As a child, I wasn’t given the freedom to choose my career, and everyone around me expected me to become a doctor. However, when I came to Canada, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to explore various jobs and learn about the culture. I have worked in several unique positions, such as a bookstore associate in Dawson Creek, called Faking Sanity where I met wonderful people, and I even received cook training from some of the restaurants I worked at.

List any volunteering you have done.

Director, Nelson & District Women Centre, West Kootenay Women’s Association, Nov. 2023 to Present
Advisor, Dress for Success, Nov. 2022 to Present
Coordinator Chairside/Dental Assistant, Access Dental Centre, Nov. 2022 to Jan. 2023
Volunteer, Central Okanagan Community Food Bank, March 2022 to September 2023
Volunteer, Okanagan Fruit Tree Project, March 2021 to September 2022
Mentor, Junior Achievement British Columbia (JABC), Nov. 2022 to April 2023
Harvest Leader, Okanagan Fruit Tree Project Society, July 2021 to Oct. 2022
Student Leader Volunteer, Northern Lights College, August 2018 to April 2019
Team Leader/ Fund Raising, Mizpah Transition House, South Peace Community Resources Society, Sept. to Nov. 2018
Coordinator, 20th Indian Orthodontic Society PG Students Convention, March 2016
Volunteer, Dental Surgeon, Guru Teg Bahadur Charitable Hospital, July 2016- April 2017
Volunteer Coordinator/Team Lead, Sambhav NGO, June 2015 to Dec. 2015
What is your most unusual talent?

I believe that my courage and my ability to communicate my thoughts and feelings with authenticity and curiosity are my greatest strengths. I don’t mind being vulnerable in front of others, and I feel grateful to have a voice that inspires people to overcome their fears. Many have complimented me on my ability to help them, and I’m proud to be a source of inspiration for them.

Where is the most interesting place you have been to?

I believe that the most fascinating and motivating place I have ever visited is Montreal. I enjoyed strolling through the art galleries and admiring the beautiful mural art created by some of the most talented artists. I was also moved by the live music performances by the street performers. This trip brought out my creative side, which had been dormant for many years, and I started painting again. I loved the culture, diversity, and vibrant colors of the city. I am planning to visit Montreal again soon.

What do you hope to be doing in ten years?

I aim to learn a musical instrument, discover more about myself, write a book, and empower those around me.

Is there anything you would like to add that we haven’t asked?

I want to emphasize that humanity thrives when we work together toward the goal of a beautiful and sustainable future. Everyone has a story to share and inspire, and it’s important to listen to and acknowledge others. Even small acts of kindness and consideration can make a big difference. In the end, what truly matters is who made you feel loved, heard, seen, and valued. It’s crucial to take care of yourself and those around you and to prioritize the health and well-being of our planet. Thank you for reading, and lots of love.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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 candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.	 - Página 2 GejDcrdDom Jul 07, 2024 5:44 pm
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Jeeti Virk
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Height: 5’9
Hometown: Vancouver, BC
Languages: English

Jeeti Virk has a passion in helping others that is why she choose her career as a RN nurse. She embraces multiculturalism living in Vancouver Canada. After going through something really tragic in her life, the loss of her brother and father, she built a successful Body Contouring business in their honour.

Helping women to love their bodies in any shape or form. She hopes her story will empower other woman to turn their pain into power. Jeeti is a firm believer in positive thinking and will take this opportunity to inspire others to achieve their potential. She strives to serve as an example for a woman to be influencers and leaders in all career fields, while exemplifying compassion and servitude.

She have travelled extensively outside of her home country. It has given her the opportunity to experience other cultures, food, customs, and perceptions of beauty.

She is very honoured and grateful to be a contribution to the SOS children’s village charity and she will use this platform to educate and bring awareness to this cause. She has a tremendous passions for children & animals and in support of both is where she is choosing to commit her life and energy. She is very motivated, ambitious and independent. She is fluent in two languages English & Punjabi. In addition God & family always come first.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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 candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.	 - Página 2 GejDcrdDom Jul 07, 2024 5:45 pm
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Jinghan Wang
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Height: 5’8
Hometown: Toronto, ON
Languages: English, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean
Occupation: Tech CEO; Harvard Medical School Research Assistant

Jinghan Wang was born in China and immigrated to Canada during high school. She graduated with honours in Mathematics from the University of Toronto, where she was a finalist in the 2023 Alibaba Global Maths Competition and the only female representative to discuss women’s development and contribution in mathematics with Jack Ma, the former richest man in Asia. She now works as a research assistant at Harvard Medical School. She is also the founder of World Science Hill, a leading tech media outlet, and Inversion, an ophthalmology company. She is committed to breaking down gender bias and using her scientific knowledge for the benefit of the entire humanity. World Science Hill currently reaches millions of readers in Asia, fostering interdisciplinary research and contributing to the advancement of human science. Inversion, on the other hand, is dedicated to helping people with low vision to enhance their eyesight and live with dignity and convenience.

Meanwhile, Jinghan Wang is a well-known Asian model with a wide range of influence in Asia. Jinghan Wang serves as Hong Kong TV’s health ambassador and Jiangxi Mobile TV’s international communication ambassador, with a peak daily view count of 170 million. 2021, she was selected as Hong Kong TV’s Extraordinary Person of the Year. The values of health and friendship she conveys have infected countless people. She has been recognised by the media as the “White Rose of Canada” for her outstanding work and influence. Since high school, she has participated in many activities to help leukaemia patients, children with cancer and children with disabilities. These activities strengthened her determination to work at Harvard Medical School, where she hopes to help more people through the power of science. Jinghan Wang is not only successful in her career, she is also a dynamic and curious person in her life. She loves oil painting, taking on the challenge of escape room puzzles, exploring the world of VR games, and even learning to fly a small fixed-wing aircraft. She is also passionate about the outdoor activities, with hiking and long-distance running being her favourites. Her optimism inspires us hope and warmth, and her resilience is an example of defying any difficulty or challenge.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?

Oil paintings
Mountain Climbing
Long Distance Running
Escape Rooms
VR Games
VR Escape Room
List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)

Oil Paintings
In what sports, if any, have you participated?

Mountain Climbing
Long-distance running
Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?

Robert Langer, He is the co-founder of Moderna and the youngest member of the Three Amercian academies. At the same time he is my mentor, he taught me medical science and and inspired me to contribute to both science and human beings. We wrote scientific articles together.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?

I was a finalist in the Alibaba Global Maths Competition in 2023, and I was the only female participant in an open dialogue with the former richest man Jack Ma in Asia. I want to break down gender bias and show the world what women can do.

What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?

I love to follow AI-related pioneering technologies, such as large language models like Llama, ChatGPT and video generative models like Sora.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?

I founded World Science Hill, a tech media outlet, and Inversion, an ophthalmology company that I started this year. I want to keep people up to date with the latest science, break down gender bias, and help people with vision disability to see the road ahead and regain their courage, dignity and convenience by using our products.

What would be your “dream job” in life?

Influential women entrepreneurs in science and technology.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.

I spent my childhood in China and immigrated to Canada in high school. In my early age, I spent a lot of time with my sister and we played card games together after school. Both of us were interested in math-related games like Sudoku. During holiday, we went hiking and traveling with our parents. It is really a warm and sweet childhood. After coming to Canada, I met new friends from all over the world. They enriched my life and encouraged me to pursue my dreams.

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.

Cat care worker
Escape Room Experiencer
List any volunteering you have done.

Tell storybooks for sick children.
Distributing food to the homeless in the city centre.
Setting up a charity gala for children with leukaemia in London.
Rescue stray cats and so on.
What is your most unusual talent?

Mathematical sensitive, strong execution

Where is the most interesting place you have been to?

Whale Watching in Vancouver

What do you hope to be doing in ten years?

I want to be a businesswoman and philanthropist to save more people from poverty and diseases. Personally, I want to learn to cook all types of food and dessert, and write a book about some creative recipes I make.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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 candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.	 - Página 2 GejDcrdDom Jul 07, 2024 5:47 pm
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Jo-Anne Reynolds
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Height: 6’1
Hometown: Calgary, AB
Languages: English

Jo-Anne Reynolds, originally from Durban, South Africa, now proudly holds Canadian citizenship and resides in Calgary. She earned her Executive Master of Business Administration from McGill University.

A seasoned entrepreneur, Jo-Anne is the visionary behind SOBREO, the pioneering brand of ultra-premium mixers. Her innovative creations have revolutionised the landscape of luxury hospitality in Las Vegas. Notably, Jo-Anne played a pivotal role in the establishment of the first state-regulated cannabis lounge in the city. Her current focus is on expanding SOBREO’s presence nationwide, particularly within a renowned Canadian restaurant chain.

With a diverse portfolio of startups under her belt, Jo-Anne’s business acumen is unparalleled. She maintains a hectic schedule with a harmonious balance, embracing meditation and yoga for centeredness. Outside the boardroom, Jo-Anne dedicates her time to altruistic endeavours. She volunteers to nurture babies born with AIDS and indulges her passion for cultural exploration through global travel.

Jo-Anne’s intellectual pursuits extend to UC Berkeley in California.

She shares her life with her husband, Kirk Reynolds, a two-time World Shooting Champion and Canadian Olympian and 2 daughters ages 19 and 12.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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 candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.	 - Página 2 GejDcrdDom Jul 07, 2024 5:48 pm
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Johanna Minga
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Height: 5’8
Hometown: Barrie, ON
Languages: English, French

Johanna Minga, born in Ontario, Canada and raised in various countries, is a high school honour graduate with a deep-seated passion for the arts. Her aspirations are as grand, as she dreams of both joining the entertainment industry and the law sector. Known for her adventurous spirit and kind personality, Johanna dedicates her time to various volunteer causes, embodying the essence of compassion and ambition.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?

My interests include fashion, drama, literature, and music. I most enjoy watching musicals and learning about everything that went into its production.

List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)

I’ve taken drama and video production classes. I also used to sing in a choir at school when I was younger.

In what sports, if any, have you participated?

I’ve played many sports throughout my life; soccer, volleyball, basketball, netball, etc. I currently play rugby for my high school team.

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?

One person who has had the most influence on my life is Zendaya. I’ve looked up to her since I was a kid watching her on TV. Her hardworking nature and charisma have always been things I hoped to replicate in my own life.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?

My proudest personal achievement is when I decided to find the courage to start doing things for the fun of it.

What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?

The most interesting thing about me is that I love to learn – I just crave knowledge.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?

My career ambitions are to become a lawyer but also be involved in the entertainment industry. I’m working hard at school and attending auditions whenever I can to try and make this a reality.

What would be your “dream job” in life?

An artist. Whether it’s paintings, music, etc.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.

I was raised all over the place, actually. I moved a lot as a kid. My earliest memories take place in the United States, India, and South Africa. I remember loving school and playing video games with my younger siblings, pretty standard stuff.

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.

I worked at a farmer’s market one summer after volunteering for my community’s business improvement association. Selling fruit to passerby was fun.

List any volunteering you have done.

I’ve volunteered at lots of places. Business improvement associations as previously mentioned, gyms, parks, school festivals, churches. My favourite experience was when I volunteered for the Bread & Honey festival.

What is your most unusual talent?

I’ve played 1,638 levels of Candy Crush.

Where is the most interesting place you have been to?

The most interesting place I’ve been to is Namibia. I used to live there in 2018-2022 and I still have beautiful photos of my trip to a game reserve there.

What do you hope to be doing in ten years?

I hope to still be creating things that I’m proud of.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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 candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.	 - Página 2 GejDcrdDom Jul 07, 2024 5:50 pm
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Jolanta Bird
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Height: 5’6
Hometown: Prince Albert, SK
Languages: English

Jolanta Bird is an Indigenous entrepreneur and Francophile who graduated from École Valois in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, and is currently pursuing a business degree at the University of Saskatchewan. The one who wants to make art her profession is already off to a good start with her company Productions Enya Bird. Jolanta has traveled extensively, so sharing her learnings and experiences is a passion! One day, she would like to visit France. Another important thing to know about her: she loves karaoke!
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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 candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.	 - Página 2 GejDcrdDom Jul 07, 2024 5:54 pm
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Jordynne Choy
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Height: 5’6
Hometown: Edmonton, AB
Languages: English
Occupation: Student (Bachelors of Marriage and Family Studies at Brigham Young University)

Jordynne Choy is a trained flight attendant with a deep love for the aviation industry which she used to compose songs inspired by the open skies. She is currently studying for a bachelors of marriage and family studies at BYU and passionately dedicates herself to research on violence against women. Observing a strong correlation between poverty, low-income homes and violence, Jordynne plans to help combat the high rates of murdered and missing indigenous women in Canada by connecting indigenous women to a low-cost, flexible, 3-year bachelors degree program.

A woman of many talents, Jordynne excels in singing, painting and the arts. Having attended a private arts junior high-school and received training in dancing, singing, painting & acting has allowed her the opportunity to develop her talents and perfect her craft. The highlights in her journey so far have been a vocal performance at Disneyland and an opening performance for the pop star Alessia Cara, singer of “Scars to your beautiful”.

Having the opportunity to compete for the Miss Universe Canada title means Jordynne gets to empower other women, who like herself, have gone through the process of divorce or other challenging life transitions. With everything she has personally experienced and learned in her studies she has become an expert in healthy relationships and conquering personal problems. And now as a newly divorced woman and a delegate of Miss Universe Canada, Jordynne will use her example to show women how they too can rise up from the ashes of their darkest hour. Her most important lesson to all women is to hone their unique gifts so they can bring their special value to the world. Please join Jordynne as she promotes her platform of “Strong societies through women’s empowerment”.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?

Some of the things I am interested in is art, singing, music, my ancestry, traveling and anything to do with the sky. In my spare time I love writing music. The music I write is often inspired by the experiences I have had working as a Flight Attendant. I really wish people could see the cool places I have traveled too.

I also really do love fashion and really enjoy modelling. I was recently featured in a magazine in Los Angeles where I did a photoshoot inspired by the Barbie movie. I would love to actually live in Barbie world, where women are the force of strength in society.

List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)

Private Arts Junior High-school (Grade 7-9)
Disneyland Workshop
Hip hop dance
Contemporary dance
Jazz dance
World dance
Vocal Jazz Workshop
Acting classes
Singing lessons
Concert & Chamber choir
Piano lessons
In what sports, if any, have you participated?

Sky diving
Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?

One other person would be God. Through him I’ve learned that in my hardest times, I’m never lost or forgotten.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?

At the age of 18 I did an opening performance for Alessia Cara singer of “Scars to your beautiful”.

What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?

Around the age of 17 I got the chance to do a singing performance in Disneyland.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?

My line of work is in the aviation industry as a Flight Attendant. I really have a love for the indigenous community and am currently trying to join Canadian North airlines. This airline flies to Nunavut and the North west territories where a lot of the indigenous population reside. The airline does a lot of charity work for the indigenous population which I really appreciate and wish to contribute to.

What would be your “dream job” in life?

My dream job would be making music as a pop star.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.

I was born in the city of Vancouver, British Columbia and until the age of 7, I lived all over Canada. My father was a construction worker and often traveled for work. My childhood memories are filled mostly with getting to see cool places in Canada. I remember once living in Halifax, Nova Scotia where they had a winter hurricane. It snowed so much that the snow reached the top of our front door and we had to shovel are way out. It was such a crazy experience. I will never forget it.

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.

Flight Attendant

List any volunteering you have done.

City of Calgary Food bank drive (Multiple years), Making sandwiches for the food bank (Multiple years), Youth program leader, Young women’s program leader, Kids chorister, Making baby blankets for the children’s hospital, Volunteering for Soap for hope, Natural park clean up, Bottle drives for LBHS concert choir, photoshoot to help raise awareness of the Missing and Murdered indigenous women.

What is your most unusual talent?

I am really good at catching the northern lights. This year, the northern lights will be shinning the brightest they’ve ever been. Those interested in watching them will have to break out there camping chairs and try to catch them.

Where is the most interesting place you have been to?

It was really cool getting to be backstage at Disneyland when I did a performance for them. When you go to Disneyland, you only see the performance side. It was really cool getting to see the behind the scenes.

What do you hope to be doing in ten years?

In ten years, I hope to have my bachelor’s of marriage and family studies complete and use my knowledge of domestic violence to end violence against women. An example of a community I would focus my attention on would be the Murdered and Missing indigenous women.

Is there anything you would like to add that we haven’t asked?

Why do you think you would make a great Miss Universe Canada?

As a student studying a bachelor’s of marriage and family studies, I study child development and what creates strong societies. When more than one child grows up to become a strong, healthy adult, they all in-tern create a strong society.

Right now, Canada is facing inflation & a housing crisis. I believe I could use my studies and the Miss Universe Canada platform to help Canadians go from surviving to thriving.

I also believe I could use my studies to strengthen vulnerable community’s in Canada. Many years ago, the indigenous community was negatively impacted by the residential school system and as a result, many efforts have been made for truth and reconciliation in Canada. However, the indigenous population continue to be a target of acts of violence like, that of the Murdered and Missing indigenous women. Through the Miss Universe Canada platform, I would work to re-pair all damage caused by the residential schools for good.

I would make a great Miss Universe Canada as I know what creates strong society’s. As Miss Universe Canada I would make Canadians, the indigenous community, vulnerable communities and vulnerable women the force for a strong society.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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 candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.	 - Página 2 GejDcrdDom Jul 07, 2024 5:56 pm
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Kaïna Deroy
 candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.	 - Página 2 Kaina-deroy-2024-1
Height: 5’6
Hometown: Rimouski, QC
Languages: English

Kaina’s journey began in Quebec City, where she was born before relocating to a quaint village near Rimouski in 2018. Despite her youth, Kaina has always harbored a deep-seated desire to positively impact the lives of others. Her nurturing nature shines through as she wholeheartedly cares for those in need, offering unwavering support whenever called upon. Kaina firmly believes that everyone deserves to embrace the best version of themselves.

While she completes her high school education, Kaina eagerly anticipates her enrollment in cosmetology school next year. With a vision of establishing her own beauty business, she aspires to empower women to feel confident in their skin. Despite being just eighteen, Kaina has garnered a wealth of experience and knowledge through diligent work. She began working part-time at the age of 14, balancing her job responsibilities with her studies to enhance her skill set.

Kaina draws inspiration from her hardworking mother, who is involved in a nurse union advocating for the work conditions of healthcare professionals, predominantly women. Since her early years, Kaina has actively participated in protests alongside her mother and her colleagues, instilling in her the value of equality, particularly for women.

With a penchant for the arts, Kaina’s passion for performance art blossomed early. From modeling as a child to participating in dance shows and musicals, she has always been drawn to the allure of the stage. Her aspiration this year is to merge her dream of competing in Miss Universe Canada with her fervent desire to empower women, helping them embrace their inner strength and confidence.

Kaina’s dedication to her goals is unwavering, as evidenced by her decision to pursue pageantry as a full-time commitment. Her journey to Miss Universe Canada is a testament to her perseverance, making her dreams a reality and inspiring others to do the same.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?

The things I love doing the most is meditating, especially in the morning when I wake up. I do Pilates everyday to start my day.
In my spare time I cook a lot and I love to cook for others! I am also dancing a lot everywhere and at everytime of the day!

List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)

I danced a lot throughout my childhood, I did dance shows. I participated in a lot of dramatic arts shows and I also played in a musical in my hometown.

In what sports, if any, have you participated?

I’ve always been an active person! I workout out everyday and I always find a way to move my body throughout the day even if it’s simply walking in nature.
Before high school, I played interior hockey and did a small competition organized by the city! But the moments I enjoyed the most were the moments when I did sports with my sister and my stepfather.

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?

My aunt JoJo, she is a ray of sunshine and she taught me that no matter what you’ve been through you need to focus on the positive and never forget to enjoy the little things. She helped me a lot during my personal growth and I will always be thankful for that. She brings positivity to everyone’s life but especially mine!

What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?

After a lot of my projects failed, I decided to take a break for myself to figure out what was wrong and why none of my projects ended up working and I realized it was because I needed to heal from past situations so I completely turned my life around started to go to therapy I did a lot of spiritual healings I started taking care of myself even more that I was already doing and the most important I started being positive no matter what and I learned to be grateful for the little things.
before wishing for something bigger, you need to appreciate life even when it’s not easy. That’s how good things started to happen to me and my projects stopped failing! I am really thankful for all the opportunities that opened up for me.

What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?

I love crazy adventures! I traveled a few times and went to places like Cuba, Mexico and a few cities in the USA such as Salem in the Massachusetts. The vacation I will never forget is when I was nine years old, my dad took me to Mexico and he took me to a place where we could swim with dolphins and the instructors told me to jump on the dolphin and it started swimming and jumping so we can say I rode a dolphin! (they were trained by professionals). I also started scuba dived at the young age of nine years old.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?

Right now my career ambition is to be the next Miss Universe Canada! It has become a full time job for me and I work hard to make it happen.
Besides Miss Universe Canada, I am interested in modeling and to work with brands. I am also going to cosmetology school next September.

What would be your “dream job” in life?

My dream job would be to become the next Miss Universe Canada! I am ready for the challenges and the amazing opportunities this position comes with.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.

I was born in Quebec City I lived here all my childhood until I was 12 years old. My parents are separated since I was 2 years old but they always respected each other and we celebrated my birthdays plus we did a lot of activities all together because they wanted me to learn respect and tolerance.

I have a very loving mother who made my childhood amazing and unforgettable and an amazing stepfather who helped raising me like his own daughter. I have a sister who is 4 years younger than me and we did everything together when we were young so I was never alone even though I didn’t have a lot of friends.
My parents are the one who taught me to stay humble and to always be open minded. I can confidently say I had an amazing childhood!

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.

I’ve worked in a lot of different places because I love to try new things and to gain experience. I once worked in a restaurant where all the employees spoke Chinese so we couldn’t communicate at all. Last year I worked in the meat department of a grocery store where all my coworkers were 50 year old men who were 10 times my size and my job was the same as theirs so I had to lift 80lbs of meat in a refrigerator for 8 hours a day it was a pretty unusual job for a 17 year old girl!

List any volunteering you have done.

La corporation de la Trinité-Des-Monts
Les Grands Amis de Rimouski
What is your most unusual talent?

I am a very good listener and I give amazing advice!

Where is the most interesting place you have been to?

As mentioned before I love to travel and the most interesting place I’ve been to was in a forest in Mexico where I got attacked by a spider monkey!

What do you hope to be doing in ten years?

In then years I see myself travelling a lot and volunteering in other countries. I want to use my strength and my knowledge to help the people in need.
I would also love to gain a bigger platform on social media to teach other women to love their selves and to help them heal from everything they are to scared to talk about.

Is there anything you would like to add that we haven’t asked?

I am beyond grateful for this opportunity you are giving me and I cannot wait to participate to this amazing competition!! I am looking forward to meeting new people and make amazing connections.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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Kamilla Mihalik
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Height: 5’8
Hometown: Winnipeg, MB
Languages: English, Hungarian
Occupation: Management/Coaching Professional

Competing in this year’s Miss Universe Canada came as a wonderful surprise to Kamilla Mihalik, marking a last significant milestone in her pageant journey. Stepping onto MUC’s prestigious stage, she sees it as both a gift and an opportunity to inspire future generations to pursue their dreams.

Her journey from childhood to adulthood included spending summers in Hungary with her grandparents. Durning these periods, she embraced opportunities to explore culture and found solace away from the confines of feelings of never fitting in. Throughout her youth and university years, she volunteered as a basketball coach, nurturing her passion of sport, mentoring and community engagement.

Professionally, Kamilla’s successes in Hospitality are fueled by her high energy and her genuine interests in listening to others’ stories. Encouraged by the support of those she encountered, she continued expressing herself through writing, music, and technology. As her portfolio and professional skillset expanded, so did her philanthropic endeavours. However, she can attest that the meaningful conversations that she has had with people from all walks of life hold just as much impact on humanity, as the funds she’s helped raise.

Today, Kamilla lives in Winnipeg with her Indigenous spouse and their three-year-old son, embracing the beauty of Canada’s winter wonderland all while cherishing the unique moments of motherhood and quality family time.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?

I love all the new Winter activities that come with being a new comer to Manitoba. I have always enjoyed ice skating, now its next level being on open rivers and lakes.

List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)

Other than my tournament, or competition memories, some of my fondest memories are from when I was learning from mentors.

In what sports, if any, have you participated?

What you got, lets play.

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?

My grandmother. While growing up, I spent summers in Budapest, so she is my second mother.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?

My family.

What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?

The last time I was asked this, I answered with thrill seeking adventures that I have been on and planned on doing. So I went skydiving and all the other things that most sane people think twice about. Still have to swim with sharks though.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?

Career wise, I would like to see the positive influence that I foster in teams, extend on into life more regularly.

What would be your “dream job” in life?

A REALLY big show. Like huge.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.

I had a good childhood. Nothing fancy or easy. Shout out to the 604. EastVan for life.

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.

My work history in security is unusual. I just fell into the job.

List any volunteering you have done.

Even though I have taken a break from pro bono coaching to focus on my family, I pay it forward when the opportunities arise.

What is your most unusual talent?

I like organization and systems.

Where is the most interesting place you have been to?

Hot springs and thermal spas come to mind. Radium hot springs, I just loved the vibe.

What do you hope to be doing in ten years?

Happy, healthy and loving life…. Putting on that huge show.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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 candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.	 - Página 2 GejDcrdDom Jul 07, 2024 6:07 pm
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Kelsey Seguin
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Height: 5’4
Hometown: McGregor, ON
Languages: English, French
Occupation: Bachelor of Education (Intermediate/Senior division – teachables in health and physical education and social sciences) at the University of Windsor

Kelsey Seguin, a 23-year-old from Windsor who grew up in a small town nearby, is a beacon of resilience and compassion. Her educational journey began at the University of Windsor, where she earned a degree in Human Kinetics with a minor in Psychology. This academic path deepened her understanding of the intricate relationship between physical well-being and mental health.

Currently enrolled in the consecutive Bachelor of Education program at the University of Windsor, Kelsey is fervently shaping her future as an inspiring educator. Her dedication to fostering the growth and well-being of future generations extends beyond the classroom, fueled by both her academic endeavors and a personal mission to make a lasting positive impact on those she encounters.

Throughout her academic career, Kelsey has been an active participant in various community initiatives. She has generously volunteered her time as a dance assistant, channeling her passion for movement and expression to inspire budding young dancers. Furthermore, Kelsey has devoted hours as a swim and softball coach for a local high school, nurturing young talents and fostering team spirit. A passionate advocate for global education, Kelsey is an active volunteer with Students Offering Support (SOS), a student-led organization at the University of Windsor dedicated to funding sustainable educational projects in Latin America. She champions SOS tutoring sessions by engaging with students across campus, emphasizing that these sessions not only aid exam preparation but also directly contribute to the organization’s fundraising efforts. Beyond promotion, Kelsey plays an instrumental role in organizing and coordinating events to generate funds for the cause.

As Kelsey continues her educational journey, she is more than a student accumulating knowledge; she is evolving into a beacon of hope, support, and inspiration for her students and community alike. Her journey transcends academic achievement, serving as a testament to her resilience, empathy, and unwavering commitment to making a positive difference in the world.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?

I like going to the gym to workout, listening to lots of music, going on nature walks, spending time with family and friends, playing baseball and dancing.

List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)

Dance and Baseball

In what sports, if any, have you participated?

I’ve played baseball since I was 4 years old including 9 years of travel fastpitch. I also tried track and field, soccer, basketball and badminton when I was younger.

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?

One person who has had a significant influence on my life is my dance teacher, Amber Dayus. She has been instrumental in shaping my character, teaching me not only the art of dance but also invaluable life lessons. Amber has helped boost my confidence, showing me the importance of believing in myself and my abilities. She has instilled in me a strong work ethic, demonstrating what it means to put in hard work and dedication to achieve success in life.

Beyond the dance studio, Amber has been like the big sister I never had, offering unwavering support through both the highs and lows of my life. Her guidance and mentorship have been invaluable, and I know that the lessons she has taught me will stay with me for the rest of my life. Amber will always be someone I look up to and admire deeply for the positive impact she has had on my life.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?

One of my proudest personal accomplishments is overcoming a very low point in my life after experiencing partner violence. During that challenging time, I completely lost myself in the relationship, but I refused to let it define me. With immense determination, strength, and the invaluable support from my community resources, I embarked on a journey of healing and self-discovery. Every day, I continue to work on myself, striving to grow stronger, more confident, and resilient. This experience has taught me the power of resilience and the importance of self-love, and I am proud of the person I have become today.

What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?

I am not sure if this counts but I seem to have this knack for being in the right place at the right time when it comes to opportunities. It’s like the universe has a way of aligning things just perfectly for me during those moments.

However, I must admit, outside of these lucky breaks, my luck can be quite the opposite. I’ve had my fair share of misadventures and challenges that seem to pop up at the most inconvenient times. But when it comes to those pivotal moments where an opportunity presents itself, I somehow always manage to be there, ready to seize it.

So, while I may not always have the best luck in general, I’ve come to appreciate these moments of luck and the unique opportunities they bring into my life. It’s like a reminder that sometimes, just sometimes, the stars align in our favor, and it’s up to us to make the most of it This is why I always believe everything happens for a reason and things always happen when they are supposed to happen.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?

My career ambition is to make a meaningful difference in the lives of my community members, particularly in the lives of children. I believe in the importance of supporting and guiding children towards a path of success. As a future teacher, I feel incredibly honored to have the privilege of shaping young minds and helping them navigate life’s challenges.

To accomplish this goal, I am dedicated to pursuing a career in education, continuously enhancing my teaching skills, and staying updated with the latest educational methods and practices. I plan to create an engaging and inclusive learning environment where every child feels valued and empowered to reach their full potential.

Ultimately, my measure of success would be if I could make a positive difference in at least one person’s life every day, no matter how big or small that difference may be.

What would be your “dream job” in life?

My dream job would be to travel across the country, reaching out to communities and individuals in need. Whether it’s providing essential supplies, offering support, or lending a helping hand, each day would be a chance to make a genuine difference in people’s lives. The most rewarding part of this journey would be the opportunity to impact at least one person’s life positively every day, creating meaningful connections and leaving a lasting, positive impression wherever I go.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.

I grew up in a very small town and attended a full French elementary school, which was also quite small. It was a close-knit community, and there was a strong sense of support among everyone. I worked diligently in school and managed to achieve good grades.

Despite my hard work and achievements, I faced bullying in school, mainly because of my appearance and family background. We were never wealthy, but my parents always prioritized providing us with the essentials needed for survival and success. To cope with the negativity, I turned to music, dance and softball, which became my outlets from the hardships I faced at school.

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.

At Parks Canada – Fort Malden National Historic Site, I had the unique opportunity to work as an interpreter, bringing history to life in both French and English. Dressed in period costumes from the 19th century, I animated historic activities and interpreted the grounds and buildings for visitors of all ages. Beyond storytelling, I was also involved in planting, caring for, and harvesting a variety of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers to maintain period-accurate gardens, adding another layer of authenticity to the visitor experience.

On the other hand, at Cora’s Breakfast and Lunch, I served as a “Fruiter” which was an unusual yet creative role. My task was to cut fruits into cool shapes, turning ordinary fruits into eye-catching and appetizing creations. This job allowed me to showcase my creativity and attention to detail while adding a fun and artistic touch to the dishes served at the restaurant. Both of these jobs offered unique challenges and experiences that allowed me to develop diverse skills and connect with people in different ways.

List any volunteering you have done.

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of dedicating my time and skills to various meaningful causes, making a positive impact in both local and global communities. For eight enriching years, I served as a dance coach assistant, mentoring young talents aged 11-19 and supporting them during recitals, fostering their passion for dance and teamwork. In 2023, I took on the role of a swim team coach at Leamington District Secondary School (LDSS), inspiring athletes to achieve their best both in and out of the water.

Additionally, I’ve been an active member of the SOS marketing team since September 2023, where I’ve played a pivotal role in organizing the SOS gala, securing sponsorships, and rallying support through our educational initiatives in Latin America. My involvement allows me to educate peers across campus about our mission to build sustainable educational projects and offer tutoring sessions during exam seasons, ensuring students receive the help they need while contributing to our cause.

In 2023, I also volunteered as an OSSLT scribe, assisting students in successfully completing their literacy tests. Further, I participated in the Princess Pasta Dinner – Miss Windsor fundraiser in 2024, contributing to a charitable event that supports our local community.

Currently, I am coaching the LDSS softball team, fostering teamwork, and nurturing the athletic potential of our young players. Through these diverse volunteer experiences, I’ve gained invaluable insights, honed my leadership skills, and cultivated a deep-seated commitment to making a difference.

What is your most unusual talent?

I hit an 8 inch target at 800 yards with a rifle.

Where is the most interesting place you have been to?

One of the most fascinating places I’ve visited is Bohol, a beautiful island in the Philippines. I traveled there with a friend and her family, as her mother was originally from the island. During our stay, we lived with her extended family, including her grandparents, aunts, and uncles, providing me with an authentic experience of Filipino culture. This trip offered me a unique perspective on the significant disparities between the rich and impoverished areas. As a sixteen-year-old, encountering these contrasts was truly eye-opening, prompting me to reflect deeply on my own life and cultivate a heightened appreciation for the privileges I enjoy.

What do you hope to be doing in ten years?

In ten years, I hope to be a full-time teacher, passionately educating high school students about health and physical education. Alongside my professional endeavors, I envision myself happily married, embarking on the beautiful journey of starting a family with someone I deeply love. I aspire to raise my children in an environment where community engagement and giving back are core values. Most importantly, I hope to inspire my children to pursue their hopes and dreams fearlessly, encouraging them to step out of their comfort zones, just as I did at a young age.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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MensajeTema: Re: candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.
 candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.	 - Página 2 GejDcrdDom Jul 07, 2024 6:09 pm
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Khadija Omar
 candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.	 - Página 2 Khadija-omar-2024-1
Height: 5’5
Hometown: Toronto, ON
Languages: English, Swahili
Occupation: Beauty/fashion Influencer, Retocuher, Model, Social Media Marketing Manger, Makeup Artist.

Khadija Omar’s story is one of resilience and inspiration. Born in the hagadera refugee camp and moving to Canada in 2010 has been an exciting experience that has opened opportunities for her has moulded her into the woman she is today. Growing up as a big sister in a family of five, Khadija has transformed her challenging beginnings into a narrative of hope and empowerment that shaped her into a voice of inspiration in her community. As a beauty and fashion influencer, retoucher, model, and social media marketing manager, she uses her diverse talents to redefine beauty standards and advocate for inclusivity. Her brand, K-Amani Beauty, is a movement that celebrates diversity and empowers women.

Khadija’s passion extends beyond the camera lens, with a deep love for photography and retouching, allowing her to tell visual stories that inspire confidence and self-love. Her commitment to community service is evident through her various projects and volunteer works with organizations like PadMad Kenya and National Geographic, focusing on menstrual health and climate change education.

As the first hijabi woman to compete in an international pageant, representing Somalia in Miss World, Khadija has made history and continues to break barriers.This achievement has garnered widespread attention, and she has been interviewed and featured in various prominent publications worldwide. Some of her notable interviews include The National News, CTV News Toronto, Emirati Women and many more.

Khadija aspires to be a recognized leader in the beauty and fashion industry, using her platform to champion diversity and inclusivity. Her Somali heritage and experiences as a refugee remain central to her mission of fostering understanding and compassion across cultures. Khadija’s journey from a refugee camp to the international stage of pageantry is a testament to the belief that with determination and pride in one’s identity, any dream is within reach.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?

My interests span the realms of beauty, fashion, social empowerment, and humanitarian work. I express myself through diverse makeup looks and fashion styles, finding fulfillment in working towards the launch of my brand, K-Amani Beauty, which is more than a beauty line‚Äîit’s a movement to redefine beauty standards and empower women. My enjoyment also extends to the art of photography and retouching, where I find joy in the creative process behind the scenes. Additionally, I thrive on staying active and engaged through sports, which for me, is not just about physical health but also about the joy of teamwork and the spirit of competition.

List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)

Makeup Artistry
Photography and Retouching
In what sports, if any, have you participated?

I have a long-standing passion for basketball, which I’ve played since grade 3 and throughout high school. My love for sports doesn’t end there; I’ve also enjoyed soccer, tennis, and track, embracing the lessons and friendships each game brings.

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?

I am deeply inspired by Iman Mohamed Abdulmajid, known professionally as Iman. As a fellow Somali-born trailblazer, Iman’s remarkable journey from refugee to international supermodel, and her subsequent ventures as a philanthropist and entrepreneur, mirror the path I strive to walk. Her unwavering advocacy for diversity within the beauty industry and her commitment to humanitarian efforts profoundly influence my mission to empower women and celebrate our shared heritage on a global stage.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?

My proudest personal accomplishment is making history as the first hijabi woman to compete in an international pageant, representing Somalia in Miss World. This achievement stands as a testament to my dedication to breaking down barriers and redefining beauty standards.

What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?

One of the most interesting aspects of my life is my behind-the-scenes work in photography and retouching, which many may not know about me. Additionally, my experience in Fort McMurray, witnessing and learning from the resilience of a community in crisis, has been a profound and shaping experience.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?

My career ambition is to establish and grow my beauty brand, K-Amani Beauty, and the K-Amani Organization, to make a lasting impact on the world by empowering women and addressing gender inequality. I am actively working towards these goals by leveraging my platform in pageantry to inspire and connect with a global audience, laying the groundwork for these ambitious goals.

What would be your “dream job” in life?

My dream job is to be the founder and leader of my own organization, the K-Amani Organization. Growing up as a child, I didn’t always have the opportunity to travel around the world. However, through the incredible platform of pageantry, I’ve realized the power of connecting with diverse cultures and hearing the stories of people worldwide. My passion lies in making a positive impact in the lives of women globally, empowering women, and addressing their unique challenges that they have.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.

My journey is built on resilience and purpose. My journey began in the Hagadera Refugee Camp in Nairobi. I moved to Canada in 2010 with my family, where we started a new life, bringing a mix of excitement and challenging adventures. Growing up as a big sister in a family of five, those early days in the refugee camp taught me resilience and determination. Moving to Canada has been an exciting experience that has opened opportunities for me, has moulded me into the woman I am today.

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.

I began working at the age of 16 in the food industry, learning the importance of hard work and customer service. At 18, I became a makeup artist, which was more than a job – it was a mission to make women feel beautiful and empowered. Now I have dived into creative world of photography and editing where blended my love of makeup and photoshoots.

List any volunteering you have done.

Spoke to young girls in schools in Kenya and Canada about identity and self-confidence.
Collaborated with PadMad Kenya to address period poverty and educate on menstrual health.
Visited women’s prisons in Kenya to empower inmates and teach about health and rights.
Partnered with K Amani organization to provide reusable PadMad Pad kits to refugee girls.
Worked with National Geographic to promote sanitary hygiene and climate change education in Somali refugee camps.
What is your most unusual talent?

My most unusual talent is in the art of photography and retouching. While many see me in front of the camera, behind the scenes, I have a deep passion for editing photos. I can spend hours perfecting an image, focusing on the fine details of lighting and composition. This skill allows me to tell visual stories and bring a unique perspective to my work in beauty and fashion.

Where is the most interesting place you have been to?

The most captivating place I’ve visited is Fort McMurray, profoundly impacted by the 2016 wildfire, known as “The Beast.” This catastrophic event, the costliest natural disaster in Canada’s history, led to the evacuation of over 88,000 residents and destroyed approximately 2,400 homes and buildings. Witnessing the community’s resilience and unity in rebuilding after such devastation was deeply moving. Fort McMurray’s experience, from the initial outbreak to the community’s recovery efforts, has been a profound and shaping experience for me, highlighting the strength found in adversity and the importance of coming together in times of crisis.

What do you hope to be doing in ten years?

In ten years, I aspire to be a recognized leader and advocate in the beauty and fashion industry, using my platform to champion diversity and inclusivity. Building on my experiences as a model, makeup artist, and influencer retoucher, I envision myself continuing to inspire confidence and self-love in individuals around the world. Alongside my professional pursuits, I aim to be deeply involved in community service, supporting humanitarian causes and empowering women and children from underprivileged backgrounds. My journey, rooted in my Somali heritage and experiences as a refugee, will remain central to my mission of fostering understanding and compassion across cultures.

Is there anything you would like to add that we haven’t asked?

I would like to share that my journey from a refugee camp to the international stage of pageantry is a narrative of hope, resilience, and the power of dreams. It’s a testament to the belief that your beginnings do not define your future, and that with determination and pride in your identity, any dream is within reach. My story, from the Dadaab refugee camp to becoming the first hijabi to run for Miss World, and now aspiring for Miss Universe Canada, is a testament to the enduring human spirit and the power of diversity. I stand as a proud representative of the values of Canada, a sanctuary that has nurtured my dreams and allowed me to advocate for inclusivity and humanitarian causes on a global stage. With your support, I hope to continue redefining beauty, breaking down barriers, and inspiring a world where compassion and empathy reign supreme.
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Diamante 5K

Diamante 5K

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MensajeTema: Re: candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.
 candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.	 - Página 2 GejDcrdDom Jul 07, 2024 6:11 pm
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Komal Kumar
 candidatas a miss universe canada 2024. final: 27 july.	 - Página 2 Komal-kumar-2024-2
Height: 5’3
Hometown: Edmonton, AB
Languages: English, Hindi
Occupation: Registered Psychologist

Komal, a first-generation Canadian with Fijian-Indian roots, holds three degrees: a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, a Bachelor of Education Secondary Route in Science and Health, and a Master’s in Counselling. Her former experience being a grade 6-12 teacher, inspired her to now become a dedicated mental health advocate. She is a Registered Psychologist, and owner of TriUnity Wellness. Komal employs evidence-based, holistic approaches to connect body, mind, and soul, specializing in anxiety, depression, relationships, trauma and confidence building. She also addresses the unique challenges faced by international populations and blended families. As the founder of South Asian Network Therapy Association, she strives to build community to connect South Asian individuals with South Asian therapists, to help breaks down barriers to access counseling. Outside her profession, Komal enjoys family time, competitive hip-hop dancing, cheerleading, soccer, fitness, and traveling to nearly 30 countries. She is pursuing a Psy.D. in Counselling, is an academic published author, and is writing a self-help book based on her years of psychological practice set to launch in 2025.
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?

I love the work I do and all things mental health. I am an omnivert, so I have an extroverted side that loves spending time with family/friends, playing soccer, dancing, yoga, cheerleading, martial arts, foodie, travelling, camping and always am down to try new things. The introvert side of me loves movies, crafting, creating video content, cleaning, organizing, painting, fashion, makeup, hitting the gym. I also strive to always grow, so I love doing that with professional development and also love to grow my business too.

List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)

Dance – 8 years of hip hop training. Past 3 years dancing in competitive groups

In what sports, if any, have you participated?

Soccer, basketball, cheerleading, dancing (on teams).

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?

My 6 year old niece, Alivia. She has influenced me in my life as the perspective of a child is so different than an adults and she constantly reminds me to stay grounded/be in the present moment. When she asks me what something is that’s new in her little world, it’s almost a mindfulness practice to observe and describe things in a way I have never done before. It slows me down and often I notice things I never have before. I am better able to observe the world around me from a micro perspective. In the same breath, as she is young I am also reminded that she is a watchful and observant being. When I hear her say things like she wants to grow up and be a psychologist or go work out at the gym like me, it reminds me that how I carry myself and my behaviours are influential and important. It has allowed for me to engage from a macro perspective of the world in more depth. I have become more mindful with the things I do and live my life intentionally, to be able to be proud to be a role model to a young impressionable little girl. These things I have learned from my niece has helped for me to work towards living my best life possible.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?

Becoming a Psychologist and not for the fact of being a Psychologist, but rather all the blood, sweat and tears that it took to get to that. In my journey I completed a Bachelor of Science Degree, Bachelor of Education Degree and a Masters of Counselling Degree. In that time was countless sacrifices to ensure success. Being a 1st Generation Canadian, becoming a Psychologist also means I was the first in my family to make it to University. To be able to be independent and live my best life also means my parents hard work and sacrifices paid off, so that’s the biggest accomplishment I could ever have.

What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?

What’s interesting about me is that I feel I have a lot of good luck! Somehow in someway things always just seem to work out for me exactly how I need it to when I am needing it to. It literally will just land in my lap sometimes, so I feel luck is often on my side.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?

My career ambition is to be a world renowned Psychologist and advocate for mental health. I am in the process as I have already become a Psychologist and started a business. Next steps is to expand my reach to as many people by writing books, use social media platforms to educate, network and create opportunities to speak at events.

What would be your “dream job” in life?

My dream job fits in my current job of being a Psychologist. I see so many people struggle with the same issues day to day, so I would love to be a Psychologist that is a Motivational Speaker to help as many people as possible learn to become the best version of themselves and live their best life. It would also be my dream to become a Philanthropist and help others for various causes.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.

I was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta. My childhood was wonderful. I was raised by two immigrant parents who valued education. The weekdays were often filled with studying, structure, routine, extracurriculars such as soccer or basketball. The weekends were a time of connecting with extended family, so we often would have large family gatherings where I would get to play with a lot of my cousins, to whom I’m still close to today. Childhood was also filled with lots of camping, swimming, travelling and fishing.

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.

The most interesting would be working in a Science Museum.

List any volunteering you have done.

Volunteer on committees for undergraduate/graduate degrees and at places of employment.

What is your most unusual talent?

I clap really loud

Where is the most interesting place you have been to?

Bosnia – it was so interesting to see buildings that were blown in the war standing next to brand new 5 star hotels! I’ve never seen that anywhere. Also, the people there were so incredibly kind and have gone through so much, so was very humbling. There is a place there also where due to politics architecture was built completely different, side by side. If you stand on a certain line in a certain spot, you have two completely backgrounds and it’s hard to believe it’s the same spot. So cool!

What do you hope to be doing in ten years?

I hope to be a Psychologist whose a Motivational Speaker and a Philanthropist, along with having a family of my own.
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